Rigorous testing using our in-house laboratories

We support our investigative work through in-house laboratory, 测试和建模服务, providing you with insightful analysis and an unbiased approach. Using technology and advanced modeling tools, we can help you determine the cause of product & 建设的失败, 工业事故, 结构损伤, 人身伤害事故, and a wide variety of other services in collaboration with subject matter experts.


We have both small and large-scale fire test capabilities and evidence examination facilities. Depending on what you need from our fire testing services, we select our laboratory space, apparatus and test parameters to provide you with accurate and reliable findings. Our high-bay fire laboratory contains two different test cells—each set up differently to record and capture specific data. Our small-scale laboratory contains a range of testing apparatus and examination equipment. We also have a vast network of external fire labs and fire testing technology which can support larger, more expansive fire tests and labs.


Whether you're experiencing a failure of building materials, 重构事故, evaluating products for reliability or determining the cause of a vehicular accident, the laboratory testing technical materials can assist. 彩宝网平台使用 科学技术 to support the testing of metallurgical, cementitious, gaseous and small particulate materials. Our material analysis laboratory services are located throughout North America, making testing efficient for the support of insurance and litigation claims.


Meet our dynamic team of professional engineers, investigators, scientists, and lab technicians.